PAKISTAN NEWS: Baitullah Mehsud, Pakistani Taliban leader was suspected of carrying out an attack on a police academy today in Lahore (Paistan) said Interior Ministry head Rehman Malik.
Rehman Malik also said in a news conference today that one of the suspects of the attack in the Lahore police academy was an Afghan.
This terror attack in Lahore was for the second time in a month. Heavily armed gunmen stormed a police academy in Lahore killing at least 27 policemen in an 8-hour siege. In this 4 terrorists had been shot dead and 6 captured alive by the security forces.
Paramilitary Major Farhat Ali told to the media, "We hope to finish the operation within 40 minutes to an hour," at the site after the commandos took control of the complex of the police academy.
Earlier the Interior Ministry chief Rehman Malik told to the media that 52 police were wounded in the attack but gave no word on the number killed.
Governor of Punjab province, Salman Taseer, told to the media that authorities had reports of 4 people confirmed killed.
Labels: Pak suspects Taliban in Lahore police academy terror attack, Pakistan Crisis, Pakistan News, Rahman Malik, Terrorist
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