By MALILA Harris
December 02, 2011
The Google empire undergoes another redesign. Now it is with YouTube, the video social network, to bring more identity to the Mountain View products.
The YouTube redesign was made public for every user across the world at 4:30 p.m. ET Thursday.
What's the change to this globally most popular online video service?
The first change to be noticed is the "add channels" button at left-hand top corner under which top ten favorite channels of users can be seen.
A soft gray background has been added to the videos and the logo of it is also been tweaked.
Integration to Google+ social network has got natural look and posting videos on Twitter and Facebook is now easier.
Google wants users to sign-up with their existing Gmail account or else by creating a new YouTube login. This is because Google wants to lock all its users to its huge online empire with just one account.
YouTube is currently the most popular video site on Internet and second most popular site.
YouTube new look |
YouTube new look |
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