PAKISTAN NEWS (inserts news from New York): Baitullah Mehsud, the Pakistani Taliban leader today claimed responsibility for a shooting incident yesterday at an immigration services office in New York that claimed 14 lives.
Baitullah Mehsud claimed that the attack was launched by a Pakistani man and one another unidentified man.
Baitullah Mehsud said, "I accept responsibility. They were my men. I gave them orders in reaction to US drone attacks." He said this through telephone from an undisclosed location.
Chief of Tehrik-e-Taliban (Pakistan) warned by saying, "such attacks would continue" to avenge missile strikes by US drones in tribal areas and "brutalities in Palestine."
Baitullah Mehsud also mentioned that he had said a few days ago that his militants would carry out attacks on the soil of America.
This claim by Baitullah Mehsud came hours after a US drone attack in North Waziristan tribal agency that killed 13 people. The drone attack also killed women and children.
New York News: About yesterday gunman attack in New York, authorities in New York said that a man armed with two handguns killed 13 people at an immigration services centre there before turning the gun on himself. The gunman was believed to be of Vietnamese-origin.
Also Read: BREAKING NEWS FROM NEW YORK (NY): Gunman takes hostages in NY state
Videos related to terrorist attacks
Labels: Baitullah Mehsud claimed responsibility for New York shootout, New York Hostage Crisis, New York News, Pakistan News, Taliban News
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