Adopt “Ancient” Mysticism In Modern Time

It’s now the latest drift in this technology clad human society to incline towards ancient mysticism to find a little peace of mind in midst of concrete jungle and restless minds. So, why don’t you add one mystical belief? After all, societies from different parts of this world offer so many various mystical ways to achieve the obscure. After all, when people from thousands of years practice these mystical things, there must be something to it, right?

So here we present some mystical practices but also beware you to choose carefully because some of them are ill advertised and as authentic as the ill-fated Chinese tattoo on your arm that the lady swore meant “pure warrior”.


Time for some Yoga

The most common yet most misunderstood mysticism of modern society. People think yoga means some queer postures, some funny breathing exercise and diet control. Alas, it would be so easy!!! Yoga is first mentioned in 2,500 old Hindu texts called Upanishads, though it’s older than that. How can Yoga help you out? First it will imbibe discipline in your life and make you understand even in this world (what Hindus call it Kaliyuga), still the moral values are intact.


The Devil is apparently part Aquaman
Now you have obviously heard of tarot readers, I wonder why all tarot readers are fat middle aged women! They call it “mysterious” and “ancient” and behave like the same plastic by which these cards are wrapped inside. According to them, tarot is originated in Ancient Egypt and also involved with the Kabbalah and a few Holy Grail myths.

The reality is tarot is not an ancient mystical process of card reading, but made for a card game similar to modern-day bridge. The use of these card for fortunetelling started about 250 years ago, in fact normal playing cards boast longer history than these fancy big queer cards. So is there any significance?

Tarot fortunetelling capabilities were captured by 19th century fans of occultism. They named the two parts of the deck as “Arcana” to change with the slightly less spooky trumps and pits. In early 20th century, two American occultists published a new version of the cards, the Rider-Waite deck. The deck displayed traditional Christian imagery with pagan symbols, replacing the Pope and Popess with a Herophant and High Priestess.

In other way, Satanism may give credit to you in your metal band

According to hardcore satanic fans, the brute mystical belief has been around ever since first man crawled onto the primeval golden womb and posed the “devil horns” gesture (though today most slapstick heterosexual men pose the same gesture as style symbol). Many Hollywood movies like ‘The Ninth Gate” also popularized the culture but this so called mystical humdrum was invented in the year 1966 by a musician from Chicago named Anton LaVey. You can find many depictions of Satanist activity from ancient times, but in actuality those are just misrepresentation of off beat religious practice.

Ouija Boards

Nothing goes with an orgy like Ouija!
Remember Linda Blair in ‘Exorcist’ played with Ouija board? Lovers and haters of Ouija agree on one thing about this spooky yet funny little board that this has a long mystical history. However, disappointing fact is Ouija boards are owned by the popular company who made Prime doll. They invented it in 1890 and Ouija is a registered trademark of Parker Brothers.

Chinese have the traditional rite called “Fuji” (similar sound like Ouija!?!) where they used a stick to call Chinese souls in sand. Roman had also a similar thing, though not closer to Chinese, they usually used a board to call spirits to know the future knowledge.

I can teach you nine ways to kill a man in 1/100th seconds!
Ninja with their secret society and marvelous skill got easy opportunities to assassinate feudal lords are well picturized in many movies. It is said that the skills are wisdom that pass through generation to generation and has been around like a thousand years. These death fights are well in movies but today there is lack of strict classes, honor based fighting rules and strict discipline, but a good thing to learn that’s for sure.

The Viking Religion
Vikings doesn't involve Dungeons and Dragons
Vikings bring pre-Christian Scandinavia myths with them with giant hammers, eight legged horses and Ragnarok. It seems a giant straight comes through 80s metal band album cover. The religion is well acceptable for those who are rooted to Norse culture and hate Sunday Church by making their parents angry. The modern followers are called Odinism or Asatru.

Viking religion is not so old and came from two books compiled in the 13th century by a Zoloft commercial looking old fat guy Snorri Sturluson. Ironically the books were written hundreds of years after Scandinavia had been Christianized.



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