By MALILA Harris
CHINA NEWS - It's a bizarre or rather a horrible accident when 160 deadly cobras escaped from an illegal breeding laboratory in early September, and now crawls in people's toilets, kitchen, and roads in southwestern China.
No report of any injury is still to be reported, and the breeder and a team of snake professionals are on search for snakes. However, they have till found only five or six of them in the village of Shijiao. Told to journalists by an official identified only as Mr. Yan.
Fortunately for the government snakes didn't do much harm except a panic button among residents. It didn't cost much to the government, so the government is giving the breeder a respite - they are not charged for any negligence. Only thing they have to to do is to transfer the cobras to legal breeding laboratory in Guangxi, in southern China.
Although the government officials have been asking villagers not to worry much but the frightened villagers are not convinced. The officials have taught them to how avoid being bitten or how to treat the patient if bitten.
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